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The Blackmont Group is a fee-only financial planning & investment management firm based in Orange County, Southern California committed to bringing clarity and peace of mind for individuals and families in pursuit of their life goals. The Blackmont Group leverages technology to provide investors with efficient and highly effective solutions throughout the United States.
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Identify the most effective solutions and help equip you to navigate your financial journey with insight and discernment.
Successful and ambitious individuals and families who want a curated wealth guide and professional investment management.
Guidance and clarity for the important decisions you need to make that will determine the trajectory of your financial journey.
We strive to understand who you want to be and develop a plan enabling you to get there. This is about YOUR vision for life.
We focus on relationships, solutions, and outcomes; not transactions, individual products, and complex benchmarks. Your plan should evolve with your life – let’s tackle this together.
Our compensation is structured in a way that reduces conflict and enhances transparency – we don’t earn commissions of any kind on product sales.
Everyone deserves financial advice regardless of asset size. We’ll build an investment portfolio to fit your needs.
This is a commitment to give you objective advice. Simply put, we act in your best interest at all times.
Institutional caliber private wealth management with boutique quality care. This is proactive portfolio management that takes into consideration economic and market conditions so you can build wealth confidently.
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